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- Radical Worship Curriculum-DOWNLOAD
Radical Worship Curriculum-DOWNLOAD
A 13 week journey from before the earth was created, to the Garden of Eden, through Tabernacle of Moses, to the Garden of Gethsemane, right to Mary's Alabaster box. The time is now to bring a generation into the heart of worship! The word radical means an extreme difference of what traditionally is the case and/or to form bases for or getting to the root of something. In the case of this Radical Worship curriculum both of those definitions encapsulated what this curriculum is all about. Today worship is widely been defined by the two fast songs and one slow song we sing in our adult and children congregations; a definition defined by tradition and religion rather than ones heart crying out in devotion, obedience, and love for their God in a lifestyle of worship. Deep within the pages of this Radical Worship curriculum you will lead your children on a journey to redefine what true biblical worship is all about; changing what they think and feel about worship. Along with redefining true biblical worship for a generation, this Curriculum brings a generation back to the ancient order and principals of God’s blueprints of worship saturated in the pages of His word; re-establishing a strong foundation of how we are to worship a Holy God.
This is a DOWNLOAD purchase only-within a day of purchase you will receive an email with PDF attachment.
"We recently began "Radical Worship" by Alicia White. (I absolutely love and recommend this series).
I had to miss church yesterday, but received the following text from my lead teacher...
"Hey bro church went great. You have a group of wild worshipers man! Those kids love to soak and do the stuff. They enjoyed the chameleon story and the robes teaching too. The only thing we didn't get to was the food coloring in the water part. The activation time was awesome though we had about 7 kids share at the end about what they heard and felt during soaking time. One new kid even prayed for me"
We have seen an increase of interest and participation in worship during the past few months. That is why I decided to go through Radical Worship again. I want the kids to begin to understand the "why" of worship."- Mich Bruns