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- Living Stones Curriculum
Living Stones Curriculum
A 13 Week Curriculum to lead children into how they can become the living stones of 1 Peter 2:4 through some of the most popular stories of stones in the Bible. Many times in scripture God uses metaphors and illustrations in the natural or seen world to describe things in the spirit or unseen world. One of these times in scripture is found in 1 Peter 2:4. First through a detailed word study of the use of “stone”, both in the Old Testament and New, children will begin to see some of the most popular and well known stories of the bible in a completely different way. What has always seemed like simply good stories that unfolded the pages of biblical history, will now bring a passion, understanding, and zeal to each child of exactly what their calling and purpose is on earth as living stones for Christ. And through creative spirit lead altar ministry worship experiences, each lesson and purpose revealed will be sealed deep within each child’s spirits. Second, the last two weeks are completely devoted to moving the children from receiving a revelation and mystery of becoming living stones in the word, into finding new ones for themselves. With all of my heart I feel we have regurgitated the word too much to children without developing in them a love and passion for the word of God, coupled with the tools on how to meditate on it, seek out hidden mysteries in, and apply it to their own lives. In week 12 they will be given the tools to begin to seek out the hidden mysteries in the word for themselves, and then week 13 will be an activation week encouraging them to prepare a presentation on a mystery that they found in the word themselves.
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